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Wife Entitled to Maintenance Until Sale of Family Home

When divorcing couples disagree on how assets should be divided, the courts will seek to arrive at a fair outcome for both parties. In deciding how the proceeds of sale of a former couple's home should be apportioned, the Family Court agreed with the wife...

Equal Pay Claims - EAT Reconsiders Material Factor Defence

An employer will be able to defeat an equal pay claim under the Equality Act 2010 if it can show that the difference in pay is due to a 'material factor' other than the employee's sex. The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) recently shed light on what is...

Breach of Warranty Claim Can Go to Trial

After a company has been purchased, any allegations that the seller is in breach of warranties given to the purchaser are likely to require careful determination. That point was illustrated recently when the High Court refused a businessman's application to...

Removal of Guttering Leads to Costly Court Battle

Disagreements between neighbours over where the boundary between their properties lies can ultimately lead to litigation costs far exceeding the value of the land in question. In a widely reported case, the removal of guttering that allegedly overhung a...

Retired Businessman's Final Will Ruled Invalid

Having your will drawn up professionally by a qualified solicitor is always a sensible precaution, especially in later life. In a recent case, the High Court ruled that a retired businessman lacked testamentary capacity when he made a will less than three...

Lidl Succeeds in Trade Mark Infringement Claim

The Court of Appeal has ruled on a dispute between supermarket giants Lidl and Tesco, upholding the decision of the High Court that signs used in a promotion run by Tesco amounted to trade mark infringement and passing off. In September 2020, Tesco began...

Company Owner's Negligible Value Claim Unsuccessful

When an asset falls in value to the point that it is almost worthless, it may be possible to make a negligible value claim under Section 24 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 . The asset will then be treated as if it had been sold and immediately...

Supreme Court Rules on Strike Action Protections

The Supreme Court has handed down its decision in a long-running case concerning whether protections against detriments short of dismissal for engaging in trade union activities are extensive enough to comply with the UK's obligations under the European...

Wrong Address a Reasonable Excuse for Landlord

Landlords would be well advised to ensure all records regarding their properties are kept up to date. Recently, however, the Upper Tribunal (UT) agreed with a residential landlord that she had a reasonable excuse for failing to comply with an Improvement...

Court Sanctions Leg Amputation for Man Lacking Mental Capacity

The courts are often called upon to sanction treatment for patients whose ability to make decisions for themselves is impaired. In a recent case on point , the Court of Protection had to decide whether it was in the best interests of a man with mental...

Former Group Company's Fees Subject to VAT

Supplies between companies in the same VAT group are disregarded for VAT purposes by virtue of Section 43(1)(a) of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 . A case that recently reached the Court of Appeal concerned whether this disregard applies if the supplying...

High Court Grants Parental Order Despite Previous Adoption

In law, adopted children are regarded as having been born to their adoptive parents. The Family Division of the High Court recently considered whether that fact precluded a parental order being granted under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008...

New National Minimum Wage Rates

The National Minimum Wage (Amendment) Regulations 2024 came into force on 1 April and provided for the following changes to the National Living Wage (NLW) and the National Minimum Wage (NMW) rates: The NLW, which now applies to those aged 21 and over...

Flat Owner Not Liable for Pre-existing Structural Issues

When building owners carry out works on their property, are they liable for damage to adjoining properties that results from pre-existing structural issues? The Court of Appeal recently provided welcome clarification on that question . The owner of a...

Partner Who Resigned Entitled to Share of Partnership Assets

When partners resign or retire from a partnership, the partnership agreement will normally govern their rights and responsibilities following their resignation. However, where the terms of their departure are not agreed, are they entitled to the value of...

Challenge to Will's Validity Rejected by High Court

The best way to ensure your assets will be distributed as you wish is to have your will professionally drafted by a qualified solicitor. In a recent case, a challenge to the validity of an elderly man's will was dismissed by the High Court. The man had...

Legal Obligations and Menopause - New Employer Guidance

New guidance aimed at helping employers to understand their legal obligations relating to employees who are going through the menopause has been published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The resource also provides details on the support...

Defiance of Family Court Orders Will Always End Badly

Custodial sentences very rarely come into play in the family courts. Where there have been repeated breaches of court orders, however, judges may have little choice but to clamp down. This was illustrated in the High Court during committal proceedings that...

Claim for SDLT Relief on Annex Unsuccessful

When buying a property consisting of more than one residence, it may be possible to claim multiple dwellings relief (MDR) against Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT). However, there are certain conditions that must be met for an MDR claim to succeed, as a recent case...

Divorce - Alleged Bigamy Raised in Financial Remedies Dispute

The issue of bigamy and its potential impact on a person's ability to seek financial remedies in a divorce came under the legal spotlight recently . A husband made an application to strike out his wife's financial remedies claim on the basis that she had...
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